Beyond Content Management.
Build Your Site. Manage It Here. Get The Features You Need. 

Are you looking for a website editing online tool that is easy to use and can help you make changes quickly? Then look no further than the eManagerSite editing tool. This tool is free to use and easy to navigate, making it the perfect option for busy business owners who need to make quick changes to their website. With this tool, you can change text, images, and even add new pages to your website in minutes. So what are you waiting for?


Manage Your Site Like You Manage Your Business.

eManagerSite CMS, business web builder

eManagerSite is more than editing webpages.

Send emails through our Email Marketing tool. Upload products into our eCommerce plugin.

Add in custom forms onto your webpages, and then sync that data into our included CRM database system.

Manage employees through intranet and unique user logins.

We're the business website builder you've been dreaming of. Scroll down to learn more, or skip right to the free trial and try out all our amazing eManagerSite tools today!




Compatible with the Latest HTML, CSS & Code

eManagerSite CMS, business web builder

Forget design constraints or weird coding requirements.

eManagerSite supports all the latest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding techniques. Want a neat banner? Bam! Need a pop-out photo gallery? Boom! eManagerSite will render it all perfectly.

Anything you can edit or create using Dreamweaver,
you can transfer here.

eManagerSite is built to support the latest and greatest technology and is constantly changing and improving based on user feedback and market trends.



Change text, images, and even add new pages to your website in minutes.

eManagerSite CMS, business web builder

Now you don't need to know any programming or code to be able to get cool features like a search box or store locator.

This tool is free to use and easy to navigate, making it the perfect option for busy business owners who need to make quick changes to their website. With this online editing tool, you can change text, images, and even add new pages to your website in minutes.

Text Editor - Forms - Email Addon - Shopping Carts & and more

These are available free to all customers and allow for endless customization.




Dedicated Service. Real People.

eManagerSite CMS, business web builder

Remember back when you could call a company and they'd actually answer?

The team behind eManagerSite knows what the phrase "customer service" means. Call or email us anytime during business hours and we will be here to answer questions, address concerns, and listen to suggestions.

We're dedicated to our clients, and we're dedicated to our product.

In fact, we love our CMS tool so much that the site you're looking at RIGHT NOW is hosted in the eManager. That's right - we're editing content, adding pages, and creating designs for this site the same way you would for yours.




We Know Big Business.

eManagerSite CMS, business web builder

eManagerSite supports everything from small businesses to large organizations, but we specialize especially in large firms that need a lot of e-commerce, storage, and e-mail support.

With our Platinum package, your website will be able to support an unlimited amount of products, email campaigns, data, site pages, customer profiles, and visitors. Our team has been in the industry for over 20 years, and we have worked with a variety of large clients in industries ranging from manufacturing to service to town and state government.

eManagerSite is the only CMS tool out there that can give you a beautiful site your customers will love with the functionality your organization needs.



eManagerSite Is The Answer.

eManagerSite CMS, business web builder

eManagerSite is the perfect matchmaker for web design/marketing agencies and big businesses.

Web designers can transfer their HTML & CSS design over and drop in our programming modules. Marketing agencies can use one of our pre-made templates and focus on promoting brands through e-mail marketing, SEO, and blogging. And business owners can rest easy knowing they have full reign of their virtual storefronts, from website text to product pages to website analytics and more.

eManagerSite is more than content management.
It's business management.



Want the best business CMS tool available?
Start your free trial today!

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